Friday, February 16, 2007


I've got a bit of a cold, ugh...anyway...

Here's the baby afghan I made for the baby our pastor's wife is expecting:

The baby shower was two weeks ago, and I forgot to get a picture of this before I gave it to her. But big sister Hannah shot a picture for me, thanks Hannah! :)

Oh dear, now I'm sneezing... I'm mainly tired today, with a slightly sore throat. I get along okay though if I keep up on the cups of hot tea, and the occasional chewable Tylenol. It seems like the chewable gets to my throat that way, and helps faster. I have no clue if Tylenol really works that way or not...I'm waiting for someone to tell me that "no of course it doesn't have any topical effect at all, you're just imagining it!" Which I may very well be, though I do know my headaches respond very fast to regular swallowed Tylenol.

The spell-check says that Tylenol is supposed to be capitalized, which I suppose it is...I should have said acetaminophen... it's not Tylenol brand anyhow.

Oh well, as long as I'm just sneezing, not coughing. If I get coughing, I don't stop for weeks...

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