Friday, December 01, 2006

Short post for now

I don't have time for a very long post at all right now, but I have a ton of things I've been wanting to blog about, and hopefully I'll get time before I forget all of them!

Here's a couple pictures of the cake I made last night:

Chocolate cake with "Tastes like whipped cream frosting". It doesn't taste like true whipped cream, but it tastes like twinkie, or cream doughnut filling, and that's close enough! I made it with a little less sugar than I did last time, so it didn't taste quite so sickenly sweet. It was really good though.

And I'm working on a tree skirt. We've had both of these fabrics for a while and used them just draped artistically around the bottom of the tree. But keeping fabric draped artistically around a tree when you have two cats (three last year) is very difficult. I think they look on it as a very fun game: "Play tag around the tree, mess up the tree skirt! Oh look! Natalie fixes it!" So I thought I'd just make the fabric into a proper tree skirt. And no, I'm not mixing the two fabrics, don't worry! :) I'm going to make it reversible, with one color on one side, other one on the other side, and some sort of gold trim around the edge. They both have a little bit of gold in them so I think that will work. So, I need to get to work on sewing it, although... I don't have my trim yet...hmm. Well, we're setting up the tree this weekend, and it may or may not have a tree skirt by next week!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So your frosting tasted like a twinkie filling? Hummmmm. =)No, just kidding. I'll bet it tasted really good since you made it! =)