Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I probably won't blog much this week, because I have been, and still will be, rather busy. But in the meantime, I'll give you something to think about.

I was trying to decide whether to put tags (or labels) on my posts...you know, the things that categorize the post as being "opinion", or "crafts", or "cooking", or whatever the case may be. I guess I was wondering how often people even use those. Personally, I find that you can just search the blog using the blogger toolbar at the top if you're looking for something specific, but I also find it interesting to browse through a category of labels.

So, shall I label or not? I'd start labeling from now on, and eventually get all my old posts labeled as well, although that would have to wait till October.

Anyway, I'm going to be fairly busy till October because of the fair and stuff so actually the posting may be a bit sparse all through September, not just this week...we'll see how much spare time I have! :)


Lizzie said...

I've been thinking about starting to label my posts as well. But the task of labeling all my old posts is so daunting that I keep deciding to wait... which is really just making my job harder because the number of old unlabeled posts is increasing...

Anonymous said...

I like the labels, if you don't mind having the list on your sidebar. With Nucleus you can only put one tag/category thing on each post, though...urgh.

Jessica said...

I think labels are fun...I don't think anyone really uses mine, but I like to put them on my posts anyways.

Marck said...

I don't do it. I've olny used them once on someones blog.

Abigail said...

I like labels. I sometimes use them if I find one interesting. And I like labeling my own. It's easier to find something later on if you know what category it's in.