Friday, October 19, 2007

I wish I had my own blog...

...then I wouldn't have to keep posting on Natalie's...

Yesterday Aunt Nancy took the kitten to the Humane Society to see if anyone was looking for her...and she came back without her. Turns out that the kitten (whose name is Lily) lives about three blocks away and she ran away from home three weeks ago.

On Wednesday night the three of us went to this totally awesome youth service at Fellowship Bible Church (or FBC, says Natalie in a *cool* voice). It was really great because it was one of the only churches I have been to where the guys didn't think it was too "girly" to worship God and the kids weren't overly obsessed with being cool. We're going back on Sunday morning.

Well...I'm going to type out a blog post for Natalie. She has something against this keyboard and its weird shape that makes it terribly hard to type on. And then we might watch *squeal!* Roman Holiday...which is one of my mostest (Natalie had a heart attack over that) favorite movies of all time. It's good. On a related note...she's also freaking out over this Jars of Clay song and its "poor" grammar:

But it's a fantastic song and we've been listening to it in the car at high volumes. I sound like an ad for Jars of Clay but the whole CD is good. And loud. And fun to play on the guitar.

This seems like a bad way to end a blog post...but that's too bad.



Anonymous said...

Let me guess..."bricks or eggs"?? :)

Aside from the bad use of the word "lay" those are great lyrics.

Anonymous said...

My wish came true! Now I have my own blog to fill with ellipsis...