Friday, December 28, 2007

Even I'm awake

Well, since I'm up, I might as well post something! It's 4:30 AM!

Colin is coughing, and coughing, and coughing. He's got a little bit of a cold, and all that's left at this point is a cough. And none of the stuff we've given him is working! Right now he's sitting on the couch watching a Kipper DVD, my idea being that maybe if he stops focusing on the cough he can stop for a while and it might get better. Maybe. Dad's working on making him some honey-lemon tea...and we'll see if that helps any. I think we'll have to get him a prescription for some cough syrup in the morning.

I don't know if we're still going to try to leave today or not. We'd already decided to skip going to St. Louis and walking around the zoo in the cold air. We decided to take two days to get to Illinois instead...I don't know what we're doing now!

Oh boy...well, we'll see how things go.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So did you all stay up until 4:30 or get up at 4:30. Either way, that is just insane, but I know how night time coughing can get the whole house up! Of course those early morning hours are so peaceful and a great time to read.