Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Um...napkins...that's it!

Okay, I'm going to blog right now, because I have other things I need to do today, and if I don't get this done now it's going to get pushed to the bottom of the list. Which is fine because it's not really that important, but I have a blog, so I really should blog on it! And I want to anyway, I just have other things to do as well.

I'm trying to remember what I did last week...oh yeah, I made twelve cloth napkins...not the same napkins that I mentioned cutting out before. Those napkins, sadly, ended up being strangely shaped rectangles, instead of the 13 x 13 squares they were supposed to be. :( So I had Dad cut me a 13 x 13 inch piece of matboard and I used that to cut the squares out...it worked much better! The only problem is that I was cutting the squares out with the rotary cutter and the cutting mat we have is 12 x 18 so I had to keep moving the fabric around. It worked, but it was a bit of a pain.

We got lots of rain Wednesday and Thursday, which is great! We really needed the rain, and I didn't have to water the garden for a couple days (note to self: we really need to get a rain barrel set up, or at least have some buckets on hand to stick out in the rain!)

It was storming so much Wednesday night that the power went out! Went out right as I was 2/3 of the way through with my twelfth napkin! Argh! So I grabbed my iPod and using it a flashlight went and found the battery-powered lantern things for everybody else because nobody else had any flashlights nearby...not that I did either. iPods are really bright...stop laughing!

And then I went back and finished the top-stitching on that last napkin by turning the wheel on the side of the machine by hand...because I'm stubborn like that. My arm was pretty sore after that...

I tried to take a neat picture of the napkin hanging on the clothesline, but those didn't turn out very well...and it just dawned on me that I hung it up there and then was trying to take a picture while squinting into the sun. I should have walked around to the other side of the clothesline and the picture would have looked better too! *smacks head* Ah well, next time...

Okay, I need to take some pictures of the sweater I'm knitting, I haven't taken any since it was about three inches long, I think. I'm almost done with the back of it now...so I'll try to get some pictures today and post them tomorrow, as well as tell you what else I did last week.

But right now I need to go hang some stuff up (I helped Mom with some re-decorating yesterday) and then cut up a bunch of apples for apple butter. We got some more apples at Aldi, and I'm going to make them into applesauce today, and then finish cooking them down and can them tomorrow. And I should get some sewing done...and reading.

By the way, are the colors on here bugging anyone? I changed the colors for summer, but something's looked off ever since then...I'm not sure if the type's the wrong color for the background, or the header doesn't coordinate, or what it is...maybe it's just me. So I was wondering if anyone else was looking at this and thinking "what did she do to the colors on here?!!" :p


Anonymous said...

Now I'm craving apple butter...

Is an iPod brighter than a cell phone on lantern mode? :P

Jessica said...

Oh, the colors are fine...I like them a lot!