I was listening to a sermon by John Macarthur while I was knitting today, and after listening to it, I was thinking that I would like to get the Macarthur Study Bible. So I did a Google search on it, to find out what places sell them, and it looks like you can buy them on Amazon. I just wish it came in KJV, because that's what I'm used to. Oh well, NKJV is close, or I could get the NASB and be able to follow along in church better.
The Macarthur sermon I listened to I found on sermonaudio.com, but they only had three on there, so I looked for some more.
This place has all the Grace To You episodes, and
this one has other sermons. The problem with both of those places is there's no easy way to download the sermons. The GTY episodes look they can be downloaded easily, but they just pull up in the page. And the links on the pages don't work for "save link as".
With things like that I usually end up pulling a blog post page, make a link to the mp3 and then without publishing the post, switch to "preview" mode so I can right-click on the link and save it as an mp3 file. Is there another, easier way to save a file like that? It seems like there should be, but I haven't figured it out.
Oh, also while looking for the Macarthur Study Bible, I came across this
lunatic's page! Wow, he certainly has a high opinion of himself, and an extreme dislike of John Macarthur among others. Some of the well-known teachers he lists on his homepage are in error, but certainly not all of them.
This Darwin Fish (and he says that's his real name) says he hasn't found
any other pastor who's truly following the Bible and his
group cult is called the "true church". Most of his arguments on the website seem to be based on him taking a person's, or the Bible's words extremely literally. Well, maybe not always, because you wouldn't think you could go that far off by taking the words of the Bible literally, but he's somehow twisting that even. As for men's words, they're in trouble if they use one slightly wrong word to explain something. Any word that you would usually look at and in context be able to know what the person was saying, is taken as flatly literal...sheesh. It's so illogical too, even I can see that!
I didn't read all the website...I'm sure he has even more things on there that are unbiblical, but his arguments against
Macarthur and others are bad enough, and I couldn't take any more.
*groan* I think I have a headache now. The only bright point in this I can see is that he is pretty obviously teaching strange things, as opposed to say, the emergent churches that are closer to being mainstream churches. What has sadly become mainstream, that is.
And not that one logical fallacy alone could condemn them, but they also managed to insert a Red Herring into the answer to one of the
Q6. Has Darwin ever been convicted of a crime? No, as of this date Darwin has never even been arrested. Actually, Darwin served as a Probation Officer for several years prior to his full time ministry.
What does the fact that he was a probation officer have to do with that? It doesn't prove anything...it sounds impressive, but doesn't really have anything to do with the question.
Well, he says they only have about 50 people in their church...that's a relief, he hasn't deceived too many people yet. :( Oh wait, I don't know if he could or not...he also seems to think that if a preacher is very popular and well-known, with lots of followers, he must be wrong, because that many people wouldn't follow someone who was really speaking the truth! Hmm...I wonder what his reaction would be to a bunch of people following his teachings?
Whoof...sorry about the ranting. All that to say that Macarthur's sermons are good, despite what that nut says, and I don't know how to save mp3s easily. :p