Thursday, November 01, 2007

Thursday-11/1/07 I didn't get around to posting yesterday! I did however get lots of schoolwork done, baked and iced a cake, went to the park with my grandparents and Colin, and got chores done...all without falling asleep. Then at church last night we watched a movie and I stayed awake only because I was too uncomfortable to fall asleep! If I'd been able to lean on anything I would definitely fallen asleep. I've seen this movie about Martin Luther probably 4 times now...and there are very few movies I can watch 4 times! It's interesting of course, but after you've seen it maybe two times, you start focusing more on how bad the movie quality is. It's black and white and very grainy...the new one may not be as deep theology-wise, but it's well done and if you get bored you can watch Jonathon Firth stomping around, or wonder why Martin Luther looks like he's about 20...well maybe a bit older...anyway...

And about the car, the loaner one that is... Dad got in on Tuesday when he dropped our car off, so Tuesday night he managed to break the car key. It already looked stressed in one spot, so it probably would have broken fairly soon anyway... not a very well-designed key. So we had a car that we couldn't drive and a broken key (the only one we had). So Dad called over to Lowe's Hardware to see if they could make a car key. The guy he talked to on the phone said they could try making it from the two halves, and it may or may not work. So Dad borrowed Grandma and Grandpa's car and went over there...apparently they can't make car keys, the other guy didn't know what he was talking about! Great. So then Dad called the guy who owns the shop and asked him if he had another key, fortunately he did! So Grandpa took Dad to work yesterday and Dad walked down and got the key from the guy (the shop is just down the street from work)....disaster averted. Of course Grandpa still had to bring Dad home, but he had time to do that yesterday, so that worked out well. So we have a car and a key, and Dad's going to show me how to drive it tonight. It won't be very much practice, but it will at least give me an idea of how to drive a stick-shift.

I've definitely gotten used to bigger car though...if I sat up straight in the back seat last night, I bumped my head on the roof...and I had just enough space for my legs! Our car, a '99 Ford Taurus, is very comfortable. Except for being so small, I'm sure this was a really nice car at some point. Right now it doesn't look like it's been waxed for years, there's a dent in the front, scratches somewhere else, the leather or vinyl seats are cracked, and it was allover kind of dirty. But it has a sunroof, CD player, power seats on the passenger side, and if it is leather it must have looked good at first! :)

I need to get back to work on my knitting and stuff... I'm working on a sweater, but I don't think I've even mentioned it on here!


Anonymous said...

Are you participating in NaNoBloPoMo?

A sweater, you're making a sweater? What sweater... Oh, I think I remember which one you mean...never mind...

Anonymous said...

Oops...always remember to Google first, post later. It's "NaBloPoMo".

It's always in November, so I don't know why it isn't "NaNoBloPoMo". "NaNoWriMo" has the month...oh wait, maybe the "No" isn't for "November", maybe it's for "Novel".

Yoohoo, anybody out there reading this blog, wanna guess why Nat has punctuation issues?! Ha! Her wuz homeschuled and me and her daddy (Bubba) don't no are punchtuuaational stuff.


N said...

Uh...interesting...if I was doing that I would have, wait I wouldn't have. Good grief, I go away for two weeks and I can't remember what day it is! Hmm...

Anonymous said...

I never knew your Dad went by the name "Bubba"...the things you learn on the internet :)

N said...

I didn't know he did either! ;)

Anonymous said...

Naughty Natalie...We don't fall asleep in are Spiney Norman and Hadely? By the you need any more Shakespeare...?
Here's some - "To be or not to be - that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing, end them. To die, to sleep..." Oh, I forget the rest...

N said...

Thank you, Maria...

Anonymous said...

I'm back! Speaking of horrid little backseats...I just spent three hours in the backseat of the Acura (somehow I survived!!).

How come you posted so many times the one week I don't have internet access????

N said...

It sounds like you're going to have to survive the Acura for a while!

Uh, I don't know how I posted so many times, I guess I got in the habit of it (not). :)