Monday, March 31, 2008


Okay, that was a bit gross. I just got done cleaning my bathroom, and after I was done with all that, I started scraping out the old caulking that was around the toilet. It was pulling away from the base of the toilet and getting moldy. I also figured out why it never smelled completely clean down by the toilet even when I had scrubbed the toilet super-thoroughly...that caulk was nasty! Since Colin shares the bathroom with me, the floor sometimes gets a little, um, wet, and I wasn't thinking about the fact that the caulking was also getting wet, all the way through because it was cracked. Sorry, tmi perhaps! :)

Anyway, I got all the old cracked caulking pulled out and bleached around the toilet. Now I just need to get some more caulk and re-caulk it. We have a tiny bit of the stuff I used before, but not enough to do the whole thing. Maybe I'll see if I can find something that holds even better, because I don't think it was that long ago that I put down the stuff I just pulled out. It was good silicone caulk and it's working fine around the sink though. Oh well. Maybe if it sits longer it will set up better...I figured out when I did the sink that the Glad Press & Seal plastic wrap works really well to keep the water out, so I'll have to use that on the toilet.

Anyways... Blech. Back to work.


Olivia Joy said...

ewww!!! Glad it is better now ;)

N said...

Ha-ha! Yeah, me too! :D

Will said...

I think I might put this in the WTMI category.... no offense :p Also just as a side note, caulking around a toilet base is not the greatest idea...You have to have a clear path for moisture to go if that wax seal under the toilet breaks. If it can't get out at the base of the toilet water will slowly drip through the subfloor and could make a nasty little mess. If you still want to caulk, omit it from the backside....

N said...

Wow...sorry. I didn't realize my readers were that squeamish...Olivia didn't seem too terribly grossed out! :)

We have a cement foundation (one-story house) so it's not a problem to caulk around the base of the toilet. I guess I haven't really noticed other toilets...Dad's always caulked these ones, so I kind of thought you would caulk around all toilets, but a leak would be a problem in some cases...hmm.

Beth said...

This could be an interesting sociological study to do...find out who's grossed out by the notion of pee on the floor. (May as well call a spade a spade, eh?)

As a mother of one son, and the older sister of two boys I really think this is not an uncommon phenomenon. I know if I were to bring this up among my female friends who have young sons there would be lot of eye-rolling and discussion of painting targets in the bottom of the toilet. (And these are refined ladies, folks, they're slumming when they hang out with me.)

Let me be really perfectly clear here so as not to offend any more of Natalie's readers. I'm SURE this only applies to young boys, under age 10 maybe. I mean I DO have a husband and I'm not down on my hands and knees scraping up caulking in our bathroom.

The whole caulk vs. no caulk is out of my realm of expertise. The issue may be resolved when we get around to redoing the bathroom floors. The sheet vinyl that's in them now was not installed really well.

Will said...

Natalie, I don't think I have ever known Olivia to be grossed out...and I was not offended or squeamish. :p The subject of caulk and *ahem* bad aim is just not something you expect to come across often on blogs and since we have never have had this issue in my house I just found it mildly entertaining. :)

Anonymous said...

Yuck. Sadly I am used to this so it didn't bother me...